My account was manually created
To log in to Lalilo, please enter your credentials here:
If you need a new password, please go to this page and enter your email address. You will receive an email from which you will be able to reset your password.
If you wish to update the email address to a new one, please follow the steps outlined in this article: I want to change my Lalilo email.
If you don't receive the email (and it's not hiding in your spam inbox), please visit our support page and submit a Support ticket. Your Lalilo account may not be linked to the email address you had in mind, or there may be a typo in it—we will be able to check this for you.
I log in via the Renaissance Growth Platform
Follow the steps described in the "How personnel log in" instructions.
Then, on the Home page, select the Lalilo tile.
I log in via the Clever Library
Since June 26th, 2024, the use of Clever Library as a rostering method for Lalilo has been discontinued. Users who rostered their classes via Clever Library cannot access Lalilo via Clever Library anymore. Please click here to see how to set things up so you can keep using Lalilo without Clever after this date: How to keep using Lalilo after Clever rostering becomes unavailable (June 26th, 2024).
If you need further information, feel free to submit a Support ticket.