If your Lalilo account is synced with the Renaissance Growth Platform or with the Clever Library, you cannot change your email address from your Lalilo account. You will need to reach out to your Renaissance Growth Platform or Clever Library administrator to update your email address.
If you use your email address to log in to Lalilo, you can update it by following the steps below.
- Select your name in the upper-right corner, then select Account Settings.
- Delete your former email address, type in the new one and select Save Changes.
- Enter your Lalilo password to confirm the change and select Next (if you can't remember your password, please check out this article).
You can now log in to Lalilo with your new email address!
If you see an error message explaining that your new email address is already linked to another Lalilo account, and you need this other account to be merged with the one you are logged in to, please visit our support page and submit a Support ticket.
If you need further information, feel free to submit a Support ticket.