With the Lalilo Complete version, users have access to an individual answer report for each lesson that a student has worked on. It will show their success rate, the questions they have replied to, and the wrong and correct answers.
Where can the Answer Report be found?
From your Dashboard, access the Answer Report by selecting any colored tile:
From the students' individual pages, access the Answer Report by selecting the eyeball icon next to any lesson in the Individual Student View:
From the Class Snapshot, access the Answer Report by selecting any colored tile:
How is the Answer Report organized?
Answers are organized by lesson and by date. For each date, you'll see each instruction types a student worked on. The colors on the left side of the instruction tell you how a student did with that particular exercise (Red = < 50%, Orange = 50–79%, Green = > 80%).
Select any instruction to expand it and see all of the questions completed within that exercise.
For each question, you'll see the content that was presented to the student in text, audio, or image. You'll also see the answer choices and the answers the student chose. If you see a red or multiple red s along with a green check , it means the student had multiple attempts before they arrived on the correct answer.
Select View Exercise on the right side of any question to go directly to the student view to see that content.
What can I do with this data?
- Get a sense of time. You can use the dates to see how many sessions a student has spent working on this content and for how long they've been attempting it. If you see a student has attempted the same lesson over a period of more than 2 weeks or across more than 3 days, you can dig deeper to see what's going on.
- Look for growth. You can look through the dates to see when students have attempted each instruction type and compare attempts across time. You might notice that students improve with each session within the same types of questions.
- Look for patterns. You might notice that students do well with one type of instruction and struggle with another. Why might this be? You might also notice they struggle with or easily recognize the same word across multiple instruction types. You can use what you know about your students' strengths and areas of growth to bring more insight.
- Plan instruction. Look for areas where students have struggled. You can use the eyeball demo link to get an idea of how you can create intervention lessons to target the same skills. You can pull words from these examples to use in your classroom instruction.
I can't understand exactly what students did
Select View Exercise to go directly to the student view. This will give you more context.
I don't see all the lessons or exercises
We are currently able to represent almost all exercises students complete in the Answer Report. We are still working on adding comprehension texts and memory format exercises. You might see a message telling you this exercise cannot be displayed yet, and we're working on it.
A lesson is orange or red despite a success rate above 79%?
To validate a lesson (i.e. to turn it green), students need to get a success rate above 79% and to have completed enough exercises (the number of exercises can vary for each lesson).
If you need further information, feel free to submit a Support ticket.