If your child does not attend a school, you can sign up here as a "Teacher (homeschool)":
You will have access to the same interface as regular teachers, so feel free to take a look at the Resource tab (from the menu at the top), or our resource page for more information.
Lalilo comes in two versions: the Complete version, and the Basic version. The Complete version is available for schools which purchase at least 100 licences. For homeschoolers, families will have access to the Complete version for free for 60 days. After the trial period, the Basic version will still allow your child to access every single lesson and exercise, but with a daily time cap of 15 minutes.
You can check out the differences between the two versions here.
You can find some information below to solve most common problems encountered by homeschooling families:
- When you sign up here, please select "Teacher (homeschool)";
- You can add your children by creating your own class.
- Once your children are added to your class you can click "Student view" on the top-right corner, and they can start using Lalilo.
If your child does attend a school, their teacher will be able to provide you with a home code. You can ask for it via this form, and you will need to input it here.
If you need further information, feel free to submit a Support ticket.